Physical Address
Godawari 2 Attariya Kailali
Physical Address
Godawari 2 Attariya Kailali
C Programming Project Contact Management System is a simple console program with no visual elements. This is similar to the way mobile phones handle contacts. You can add, view, edit, search, and delete contacts in this project. All the records added or changed are saved in a file.
You can list contacts by name, phone number, address, and email address. File management has been used to record all the data from above list you can add more information in the database easily. I have used a data structure to store usernames, emails and contact. In general, understanding the simple source code of this project will teach you how to add, edit, search, list, and delete data using a file.
The source code of the C Contact Management System project is complete and free of errors. It’s short and simple: just over 200 lines. You can download the source code and application file from the following link and compile it in Code::Blocks IDE.
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In C, That’s All You Need to Know About the Link Management System: The main components of this basic C mini-project are file management, data structures, functions, and pointers. The following are the important elements of a contact management system:
Add New Contact – To add a new contact, the user can add new contact information.
List All Contacts: For the All Contacts list, the user can see all the newly added contacts.
Edit Contact – To edit a contact, the user can edit/update his/her own contact information.
Search Contact: For search contact, users can search by their name.
Delete Contact – To delete a contact in the database, users can delete their contact information.
Exit: To exit, the user can also exit the system.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<dos.h> struct contact { long ph; char name[20],add[20],email[30]; } list; char query[20],name[20]; FILE *fp, *ft; int i,n,ch,l,found; int main() { main: system("cls"); /* ************Main menu *********************** */ printf("\n\t **** Welcome to Contact Management System ****"); printf("\n\n\n\t\t\tMAIN MENU\n\t\t=====================\n\t\t[1] Add a new Contact\n\t\t[2] List all Contacts\n\t\t[3] Search for contact\n\t\t[4] Edit a Contact\n\t\t[5] Delete a Contact\n\t\t[0] Exit\n\t\t=================\n\t\t"); printf("Enter the choice:"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 0: printf("\n\n\t\tAre you sure you want to exit?"); break; /* *********************Add new contacts************ */ case 1: system("cls"); fp=fopen("contact.dll","a"); for (;;) { fflush(stdin); printf("To exit enter blank space in the name input\nName (Use identical):"); scanf("%[^\n]",&; if(stricmp(,"")==0 || stricmp(," ")==0) break; fflush(stdin); printf("Phone:"); scanf("%ld",&; fflush(stdin); printf("address:"); scanf("%[^\n]",&list.add); fflush(stdin); printf("email address:"); gets(; printf("\n"); fwrite(&list,sizeof(list),1,fp); } fclose(fp); break; /* *********************list of contacts************************* */ case 2: system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t================================\n\t\t\tLIST OF CONTACTS\n\t\t================================\n\nName\t\tPhone No\t Address\t\tE-mail ad.\n=================================================================\n\n"); for(i=97; i<=122; i=i+1) { fp=fopen("contact.dll","r"); fflush(stdin); found=0; while(fread(&list,sizeof(list),1,fp)==1) { if([0]==i ||[0]==i-32) { printf("\nName\t: %s\nPhone\t: %ld\nAddress\t: %s\nEmail\t: %s\n",,,list.add,; found++; } } if(found!=0) { printf("=========================================================== [%c]-(%d)\n\n",i-32,found); getch(); } fclose(fp); } break; /* *******************search contacts********************** */ case 3: system("cls"); do { found=0; printf("\n\n\t..::CONTACT SEARCH\n\t===========================\n\t..::Name of contact to search: "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%[^\n]",&query); l=strlen(query); fp=fopen("contact.dll","r"); system("cls"); printf("\n\n..::Search result for '%s' \n===================================================\n",query); while(fread(&list,sizeof(list),1,fp)==1) { for(i=0; i<=l; i++) name[i][i]; name[l]='\0'; if(stricmp(name,query)==0) { printf("\n..::Name\t: %s\n..::Phone\t: %ld\n..::Address\t: %s\n..::Email\t: %s\n",,,list.add,; found++; if (found%4==0) { printf("..::Press any key to continue..."); getch(); } } } if(found==0) printf("\n..::No match found!"); else printf("\n..::%d match(s) found!",found); fclose(fp); printf("\n ..::Try again?\n\n\t[1] Yes\t\t[0] No\n\t"); scanf("%d",&ch); while(ch==1); break; /* *********************edit contacts************************/ case 4: system("cls"); fp=fopen("contact.dll","r"); ft=fopen("temp.dat","w"); fflush(stdin); printf("..::Edit contact\n===============================\n\n\t..::Enter the name of contact to edit:"); scanf("%[^\n]",name); while(fread(&list,sizeof(list),1,fp)==1) { if(stricmp(name,!=0) fwrite(&list,sizeof(list),1,ft); } fflush(stdin); printf("\n\n..::Editing '%s'\n\n",name); printf("..::Name(Use identical):"); scanf("%[^\n]",&; fflush(stdin); printf("..::Phone:"); scanf("%ld",&; fflush(stdin); printf("..::address:"); scanf("%[^\n]",&list.add); fflush(stdin); printf("..::email address:"); gets(; printf("\n"); fwrite(&list,sizeof(list),1,ft); fclose(fp); fclose(ft); remove("contact.dll"); rename("temp.dat","contact.dll"); break; /* ********************delete contacts**********************/ case 5: system("cls"); fflush(stdin); printf("\n\n\t..::DELETE A CONTACT\n\t==========================\n\t..::Enter the name of contact to delete:"); scanf("%[^\n]",&name); fp=fopen("contact.dll","r"); ft=fopen("temp.dat","w"); while(fread(&list,sizeof(list),1,fp)!=0) if (stricmp(name,!=0) fwrite(&list,sizeof(list),1,ft); fclose(fp); fclose(ft); remove("contact.dll"); rename("temp.dat","contact.dll"); break; default: printf("Invalid choice"); break; } printf("\n\n\n..::Enter the Choice:\n\n\t[1] Main Menu\t\t[0] Exit\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch (ch) { case 1: goto main; case 0: break; default: printf("Invalid choice"); break; } return 0; }