Category HTML & CSS

Welcome to Codingthai HTML & CSS, Here are 100+ HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with Source Code that You can learn easily.

Add an Image as a figure

Add a Meter image

We can use the <figure> to make image that are related to the main content fo your page but that could be moved out of the main flow, (Add an Image as a figure) if needed For example in an…

Style a bulleted list in CSS3

Style a bulleted list in CSS3

We can add style rules to the bulleted list on your page change the shape of the bullets or remove the bullets altogether (Style a bulleted list in CSS3). We can also change how the list items are formatted so…

Add Back ground color using CSS3

Add Back ground color using CSS3

We can use the background-color property to change the color that appers bbehind the contetn on a page (Add Back ground color using CSS3). For example, you can change the backgrouynd behinds text to afluorscent color to make it appear…

5 Alternatives div Tag in HTML

5 Alternatives div Tag in HTML, In the early stages of learning the structure of an HTML document, it’s not uncommon to end up with what some developers call “div soup.” Do you need a content section on your home…