Category C

Welcome to the Codingthai C Programming Project. Here are the 100+ Projects using C Programming Language with Souce code.

Creating a Number Guessing Game in C

Creating a Number Guessing Game in C

Games are a fun and interactive way to practice programming concepts. The Number Guessing Game is a classic project that enhances your skills in loops, conditionals, and random number generation. This article will discuss creating a simple number-guessing game using…

Library Management System using C Language

In this article, we will be creating a Library Management System that simplifies this process by organizing and automating key functions. This project involves designing a basic system using structures and file handling to store and manage data efficiently. A…

Simple Calculator Using C Language

In this article, we will create a simple calculator using C Programming. In the past post, we have created different types of C projects. Are you new to programming and want to try out your skills in C? A simple…

Introduction to C Programming Language

C is a programming language developed at AT&T’s Bell Laboratories in the USA in 1972. It was designed and written by a man Dennis Ritchie. Without any advertisement, C’s reputation spread and its pool of users grew. Possibly c seems…

Student Report Card System Project in C++

Student Report Card System Project in C++

Overview of Student Report card system This is the C++ Project On Student Report Card developed in C++ Programming Language, This Student Report Card System In C++ is a simple console-based application built without the use of graphics. This Project…

C++ Bookshop Management System Project

This is the Bookshop Management system Project using C Language. This Project is Created for the Book shop with a Simple Understanding Graphic. In this Project, users can add New book records, Show old Book records, Modify old Book records,…

Simple C++ Bus Reservation System Project

Simple C++ Bus Reservation System Project

Bus Reservation System is a very simple project that demonstrates the class-to-object implementation of the C++ language. This project is easy to understand and will help you learn how to create classes and objects in your C++ project. The Bus…

Simple C++ Bank Management System Project

Overview of Bank Management System This C++ Bank Management System project is a simple console-based application developed without graphical components. It is more of a C++ database project and is built using the language’s file-handling mechanism. It is suitable for…