Physical Address
Godawari 2 Attariya Kailali
Physical Address
Godawari 2 Attariya Kailali
Bus Reservation System is a very simple project that demonstrates the class-to-object implementation of the C++ language. This project is easy to understand and will help you learn how to create classes and objects in your C++ project. The Bus reservation system in C++ is a desktop application coded in C++ Language.
This Project was developed to help fasten the transaction process issuing in a bus ride. This project will eventually help you organize the reserved passenger to safely depart after the reservation. This project will benefit you to understand File handling in C++ Language.
Here, the user can perform tasks such as setting the bus information, reserving a seat on the bus, displaying the reservation information, and displaying information about the available buses. If you like this project there are other similar projects
Basically, there are four functions available in this project, but you can write your own code to add more functions and improve this project. Here, I will describe the features in brief:
In the bus reservation system project, the file is not used to store the bus information data. Therefore, at each execution of the program, the data previously stored about the previous functions are lost.
#include <conio.h> #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; static int p = 0; class a { char busn[5], driver[10], arrival[5], depart[5], from[10], to[10], seat[8][4][10]; public: void install(); void allotment(); void empty(); void show(); void avail(); void position(int i); } bus[10]; void vline(char ch) { for (int i=80;i>0;i--) cout<<ch; } void a::install() { cout<<"Enter bus no: "; cin>>bus[p].busn; cout<<"\nEnter Driver's name: "; cin>>bus[p].driver; cout<<"\nArrival time: "; cin>>bus[p].arrival; cout<<"\nDeparture: "; cin>>bus[p].depart; cout<<"\nFrom: \t\t\t"; cin>>bus[p].from; cout<<"\nTo: \t\t\t"; cin>>bus[p].to; bus[p].empty(); p++; } void a::allotment() { int seat; char number[5]; top: cout<<"Bus no: "; cin>>number; int n; for(n=0;n<=p;n++) { if(strcmp(bus[n].busn, number)==0) break; } while(n<=p) { cout<<"\nSeat Number: "; cin>>seat; if(seat>32) { cout<<"\nThere are only 32 seats available in this bus."; } else { if (strcmp(bus[n].seat[seat/4][(seat%4)-1], "Empty")==0) { cout<<"Enter passanger's name: "; cin>>bus[n].seat[seat/4][(seat%4)-1]; break; } else cout<<"The seat no. is already reserved.\n"; } } if(n>p) { cout<<"Enter correct bus no.\n"; goto top; } } void a::empty() { for(int i=0; i<8;i++) { for(int j=0;j<4;j++) { strcpy(bus[p].seat[i][j], "Empty"); } } } void a::show() { int n; char number[5]; cout<<"Enter bus no: "; cin>>number; for(n=0;n<=p;n++) { if(strcmp(bus[n].busn, number)==0) break; } while(n<=p) { vline('*'); cout<<"Bus no: \t"<<bus[n].busn <<"\nDriver: \t"<<bus[n].driver<<"\t\tArrival time: \t" <<bus[n].arrival<<"\tDeparture time:"<<bus[n].depart <<"\nFrom: \t\t"<<bus[n].from<<"\t\tTo: \t\t"<< bus[n].to<<"\n"; vline('*'); bus[0].position(n); int a=1; for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { for(int j=0;j<4;j++) { a++; if(strcmp(bus[n].seat[i][j],"Empty")!=0) cout<<"\nThe seat no "<<(a-1)<<" is reserved for "<<bus[n].seat[i][j]<<"."; } } break; } if(n>p) cout<<"Enter correct bus no: "; } void a::position(int l) { int s=0;p=0; for (int i =0; i<8;i++) { cout<<"\n"; for (int j = 0;j<4; j++) { s++; if(strcmp(bus[l].seat[i][j], "Empty")==0) { cout.width(5); cout.fill(' '); cout<<s<<"."; cout.width(10); cout.fill(' '); cout<<bus[l].seat[i][j]; p++; } else { cout.width(5); cout.fill(' '); cout<<s<<"."; cout.width(10); cout.fill(' '); cout<<bus[l].seat[i][j]; } } } cout<<"\n\nThere are "<<p<<" seats empty in Bus No: "<<bus[l].busn; } void a::avail() { for(int n=0;n<p;n++) { vline('*'); cout<<"Bus no: \t"<<bus[n].busn<<"\nDriver: \t"<<bus[n].driver <<"\t\tArrival time: \t"<<bus[n].arrival<<"\tDeparture Time: \t" <<bus[n].depart<<"\nFrom: \t\t"<<bus[n].from<<"\t\tTo: \t\t\t" <<bus[n].to<<"\n"; vline('*'); vline('_'); } } int main() { system("cls"); int w; while(1) { //system("cls"); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t1.Install\n\t\t\t" <<"2.Reservation\n\t\t\t" <<"3.Show\n\t\t\t" <<"4.Buses Available. \n\t\t\t" <<"5.Exit"; cout<<"\n\t\t\tEnter your choice:-> "; cin>>w; switch(w) { case 1: bus[p].install(); break; case 2: bus[p].allotment(); break; case 3: bus[0].show(); break; case 4: bus[0].avail(); break; case 5: exit(0); } } return 0; }