Physical Address
Godawari 2 Attariya Kailali
Physical Address
Godawari 2 Attariya Kailali
We can add a bulleted list to your document to set a list of items apart from the rest of the page of text. We can use this tag also called an unordered list when we do not need to…
We can use the numbered list on your web page to display all kinds of order lists for example you can use a number list to show steps to prioritize items. We can create a number list by inserting <ol>…
We can add small print to your page by surrounding text with <small> and </small> tags. This tag typically includes disclaimers, legal restrictions copyright information, and other subordinate comments. Not surprisingly web Browsers display this type of text in a…
We can block quotes to set off a passage of text from the rest of the document. In the browser, the <blockquote> tag typically adds an equal amount of extra space on both sides of the text. Block quotes are…
We can use heading Tags to help clarify information on a page, organize text, and create visual structure. We can choose from six heading levels for a document, ranging from heading level 1 <h1>. The largest to heading level 6…
We can use Italicize Text tag in HTML5 text tags to give it more emphasis or set it off from other text in a passage. Common uses for italicized text include highlighting a new term, setting a part of the…
We Can add Text bold tag formatting to your text to Important Keywords and set them off from other text in a passage. For example, You Might make a Website name bold in a paragraph or add bold formatting to…
We can insert a blank space within a line of text to indent your text you can also use bank space to help position an element on lines such as a graphic or photo. HTML code for adding such space…
We can use the preformatted Text tags, <Pre> and </pre> to display all the line breaks and spaces you enter in your HTML code for a passage of text. Web browser ignores hard returns, Line breaks, and extra spaces between…
We can add a dividing line or Horizontal line, across pages to separate blocks of information. The dividing line can be useful for separating topics on a page or for setting off diagrams from the flow of text. By default,…