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Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used


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Add Alternative Text in Image

Add Alternative Text in the Image

For user who has images turned off in their browsers, you can add alternative text that identifies the
Specify an Image Size

Specify an Image Size

If your image appears too big or too small on a web page, you can use HTML coding
Insert an image using HTML5

Insert an image using HTML5

We can Insert an image into your web pages to increase visual interest or illustrate a topic using
Style a bulleted list in CSS3

Style a bulleted list in CSS3

We can add style rules to the bulleted list on your page change the shape of the bullets
Add Back ground color using CSS3

Add Back ground color using CSS3

We can use the background-color property to change the color that appers bbehind the contetn on a page

Control letter spacing in CSS3

We can control the spacing between characters, or learn, using the letter-spacing property. (Control letter spacing in CSS3)
Control line spacing in CSS3

Control line spacing in CSS3

We can use the line height property to adjust the spacing or lead, between lines of text (Control

Change the text Case in CSS3

We can use the text-transform property to change the text case in CSS3. For example, you may want

Change text Alignment in CSS3

We can Change text Alignment in the horizontal positioning of blocks of text on your page using the
Change the Font in CSS3

Change the Font in CSS3

To change the font in CSS3 for your HTML text, we Can use the Font-family property. We can